Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Kane Wellnitz

Battered, assailed, pulverized, minced, trashed, throttled - Kane has encountered every verb and adjective connotative to a challenging, strenuous course load in Advanced Placement Literature and Composition yet rose from the ashes of battle dripping in enemy blood (looking like Hugh Glass [Leonardo Dicaprio] in The Revenant, but still victorious). By week uno in month Mayo I was proudly exclaiming ‘WELLNITZ’ instead of ‘well, nitz’ as Master Kane was posting a respectable average on poetry, prose, free response essays and a salty average on multiple choice tests. Osmosis, magic, trial-’n-error, or fortitude I know not, but Kane (adapting a quote by Red from The Shawshank Redemption) ‘crawled through thirty-six weeks of the foulest stinking literary river I cannot imagine and came out clean on the other side’. Congrats Kane Wellnitz, Geek of the Week.    

Friday, April 22, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Megan Tidyman

Regurgitation, although necessary to the survival of many worldly species is (in plain terms) vile, loathsome, and inconceivable to the average mortal. Voluntarily (or special cases involuntarily) requiting a delicious entree to share with a friend or again indulge and ruminate in oneself is...yummy. Imagine then the horror I sacrificially endured reading pupil plot puke from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn repeatedly; even Stephen King would gasp...that is until reading Megan Tidyman’s plot analysis. I felt salvaged and forgiven! Fresh new terms such as ‘introduces’, ‘reveals’, ‘builds’, and ‘illustrates’ entered my consciousness (and I giggled). Happiness and hope filled my soul. At that moment I knew the cognitive dimension, a pillar in the essence of humanity, was preserved for yet another day - “Maktub”! Congrats to Megan Tidyman - English Geek of the Week.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Clay Madsen and Kiya Passero

I wonder the odds, spread, and over-under value in a physical, academic, and intellectual tag-team heptathlon between Clay Madsen/Kiya Passero (Claymore/Beastie) and He-Man/She-Ra (Master of the Universe/Princess of Power). Prolly the all-time highest Pay-Per-View ratings in history, except the contest wouldn’t be, because Claymore/Beastie made viewing the contest free and won the first heptathlon event ‘Merit’. Sure He-Man/She-Ra would most likely win ‘Swordsmanship’, ‘Eternia Knowledge’, ‘Large Cat Riding’, but Claymore/Beastie are true professional record setters. In fact, they scored 17% higher than the class average on EXAMLET, not including their ‘To Be’ speech memorization bonus. Factoring in that Beastie can eat 10% of her body weight in ranch dressing (‘Condiment Eating’) and Claymore looks radical in a double baldric (‘Battle Gear Dress’) my bet is on the Madsen/Passero duo. Congrats Clay and Kiya and being bodacious Geeks of the Week.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Afton Bryant

MacGyver [readers younger than thirty years of age need to Google this feather haired-polymath-stud horse] is retiring from the Phoenix Foundation and seeking a replacement. Supposedly Chadron High School is the location of his replacement. Supposedly a member of the Senior class possesses a worthy code cracking, corruption punting, broad thinking individual ready to thwart the enemies of the world. Supposedly Afton Bryant is in Macgyver’s crosshairs - wait, poor analogy - as Macgyver uses no weapons. Anywho, Afton already carries a plethora of survival necessities daily (and knows how to use them), is currently earning stunningly high marks breaking various literary codes in Hamlet (because evildoers are often Shakespearian prodigies), and is currently only in need  of understanding how a wooden toothpick, stick of Wrigley’s chewing gum, standard 2” paperclip, and empty Pringles can serve as the universal linkage and swash plate for a chopper in distress. Congrats Afton Bryant, English Geek of the Week (keep up the great work).

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Alexandria Nobiling

Once a madame of glam, now a Transcendentalist content with jam and Spam. Her transformation is quite incredible really; an intelligent young lass attached to her cell phone and hair straightener with a fancy for selfies and fetching fingernails initially worried about abandoning these advantageous artifacts for four twenty-four. Yet, the story ends dramatically...well, not really. The story ends without makeup, tangled blonde hair, in sweat pants and happy for a week long tech-break. With pages of written, reflective data on self through the eyes of Emerson, Thoreau, and McCandless do not be surprised if Miss Nobiling becomes anticonformity and antisociety -- dare say Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior, Clarisse McClellan, or Lizzie Bennet -- and begins commonly citing philosophical verbiage regardless of situational appropriateness. So congrats Alexandria Nobiling, transcendental hoi polloi in heels and English Geek of the Week.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Brooke “L” Roes

Diligent in progress, accepting of defeats, highbrow in error insight. True life-long educational practices teachers hope to instill in their students, but intrinsically know are innate qualities. I hired ‘L’ to an internship as my personal assistant, offering her some experience into the career she wishes to one day attain (as a personal assistant). What I noticed was exceptional. ‘L’ is strikingly consistent in growth, largely because she asks questions of substance. Even more uncommon was her ownership of mistakes, academic or otherwise; no excuses or blame but acknowledgement. Totes Cray-Cray, but as my intern she even took ownership of my mistakes, which I felt quite benevolent of her. Defying the undesirable humanistic quality of falling into the same hole twice, moreover, solidified her Geek of the Week status. Once conscious of expectation and pitfall ‘L’ exercises a pragmatic approach towards accomplishment. So congrats to ‘L’ and her Geek of the Week status, but now she needs to get back to work...for me.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Justice (League) Flick

Courage-Honor-Fate-Fame-Glory-JUSTICE. All Anglo-Saxon lifestyle virtues and themes in the epic tale of Beowulf. I equally admired each desirable trait, until recently...when I learned that JUSTICE was unequivocally, indisputably, explicitly, unmistakably, obviously the most valuable and applicable Anglo-Saxon trait. How does one come to such a prophetic and defined sense of life altering clarity. The overpowering dominance of JUSTICE. The only epic warrior of greater cosmic importance to the Anglo-Saxons than Beowulf was JUSTICE. In fact, flash forward roughly 1600 years and an entire JUSTICE League, heros reflecting each of the above traits, is formed to protect humanity from influentially dark forces. So Congrats JUSTICE...master of Anglo-Saxon Literature and Geek of the Week.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Alex Eisenbarth-Matt Kerner-Chandler Hageman

After reading, reflecting, digesting, and assimilating the three above names, you may say to yourself “Self, what commonality do these three individuals share uniting them gloriously forever in Geek of Week lore and legend...survival videocasts, modeling contracts, ranch rodeo titles, Bush's Baked Beans secret family recipe? ” Well, here is a clue: Moose, Nacho, #Tractors. Still turbid, another clue: Piggy and Fishy’s Epic Adventure. For those still stumped, the three above individuals are authors of the award winning children’s book Piggy and Fishy’s Epic Adventure, co-authors being Banana, Ace Jaws, and Dragon [three second grade elementary students]. While writing a riveting children’s tale full of verbiage which sports beautifully descriptive linguistics, not just narrative, Moose, Nacho, #Tractors became elementary school heros believed capable of altering the universe...or at least introducing young-ins to some cool new highfalutin ways-a-write’n. Congrats Geeks of the Week Alex Eisenbarth, Matt Kerner, and Chandler Hageman.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

DexDorito Applegarth

DexDorito’s sweet melange spans far beyond colorful kicks sporting the iconic Jumpman or unmistakably ornate hoodies launching geometric intricacies sharp enough to cause motion sickness in peeps who make direct eye contact as he subtly bops down the hall (yes the above is a drastic run-on sentence). DexDorito’s assorted incandescence comes from much more than a radical exoskeleton; an ultra cool ‘Chi’ deep within the cockles of his soul radiates into most everything he says, does, and feels. “Hey Mr. Uhing, did I format this right?” [Yep] “Aight...sweet man, nice and cool.” “Yo Mr. Uhing, is this a webpage or database source?” [Webpage] “Awesome...chill-dude, thanks.” DexDorito casts a wonderful balance of flavor and hominess to any ambiance - much like a Dorito. Some days Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese while other days Salsa Verde or Flamas tickle the tastebuds; either way it is always good. So Congrats DexDorito Applegarth...English Geek of the Week.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Colby ‘Cheese’ Ellis

Cheese is appropriate for any occasion to nearly every taste palate. The dairy’s versatility is a daily staple in many homes, often taken for granted...until it’s gone. Chili? Silly without cheddar! Burger? Booger missing swiss? Salad? Pallid minus the feta. Colby ‘Cheese’ is a personal favorite of mine, sharply bettering each assignment...until he was gone. The darkness deceptively sulked into my awareness, disorienting each day of instruction. Then, a smooth melty dawn appeared filling a hollow void with a missed lactose glory. An epiphany entered my consciousness, stemming directly from Colby ‘Cheese’:
1. Be productive in absence.
2. Glory befalls individuals who remain fecund in times of drought.
3. The absence of cheese likens the absence of a soul. 
4. Cheese well preserved and prepared is far superior to cheese hastily composed or not composed at all.
Congrats Colby ‘Cheese’ Ellis … English Geek of the Week.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

JayDANIEL Stack  

“Oh hey, look at my brain and how big its is...and its overly efficient plasticity...and its gaping thalamus allowing me to hastily suck in total information like a black hole whose favorite cuisine is cosmic knowledge of everything” says JayDaniel’s head to me. As JayDaniel’s teacher I am stuck in a labyrinth of cognizance with a superior four pound melon screaming “Give me something to feed on!” So, I throw it some raw persuasive practice, but the unruly encephalon disintegrates the substance, disgustingly chewing with its mouth open and mocking me [envision the 1986 movie Little Shop of Horrors]. “Give me something to play with!” So, I garner some aid and surrender an offering of research and academic writing to the wonder dome...confused on how to begin at first...then tearing into the succulent flesh with the vigor of a giant Tiger mosquito in a blood bank...kinda foul really. JayDaniel Stack, super nice young man with alotta blue sky ahead of him...JayDaniel’s brain, though is one tough hombre. Congrats Jayden Stack - English Geek of the Week!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Brendinh Sayaloune  

Rarely does a day fritter away into the abyss of time and memory one doesn’t obtain new knowledge for continued existence or skill set for humanistic advancement: adding peanut butter to oatmeal equals taste explosion, pearl snap shirts foster instant swagtastic, offering random individuals with chapped lips chapstick is a poor idea. The most recent revelation, however, has come in the form of a letter...lower case ‘h’ to be exact. Brendinh (notice the h) Sayaloune has proven that adding a lowercase ‘h’ to endings makes them exponentially better. Don’t believe this hypothesis? According to the Baby Name Encyclopaedia there are 25 derivatives of his name - ZERO (regardless of geographical local) are spelled ending in ‘h’. Coincidence...no way...ya don’t just ‘find’ a leprechaun or mermaid. Brendinh’s current throwdown of the English writing workshop likens Luke Skywalker’s use of the force in a Chuck E. Cheese...OVERT DOMINANCE...and further proves the magic of ending in lower case ‘h’.  So Congrats Brendinh Sayaloune...English Geek of the Week and wielder of ye lightsaber pen.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Jayden Garrett  

Jayden is a sniper. Not in the traditional military denotation, but metaphorical connotation. She silently, attentively hunts...and whatever she pursues ends up in her lethal crosshairs...and whatever ends up in her 80x56mm crosshairs...finds itself desolately hanging on her wall. Time is of little importance; only task completion (the electronic time stamps on my email inbox prove this factoid). Timed essays are tracked, pursued, bagged and logged. Jayden applies more camouflage, cuts another notch in her belt and begins again. Next up, scholarship essays (stealthy little dogs) become stalked, chased, shaked and baked. Jayden’s accuracy rating is near perfect with a grouping under .1 inches and 100% target acquisition. Lesson Learned, keep her sights off you, especially if you smell like ice cream or enjoy Advanced Placement Calculus ‘cause ur go-in down! Congrats Jayden Garrett, English Geek of the Week.