Friday, May 1, 2015

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Josh Hill
Consistency: the sun, the moon, the Cubs not winning a world series.
Accuracy: atomic clock, lasik eye surgery, a circus knife thrower
Josh Hill aka ‘The Hill’: consistent and accurate

For eighteen weeks of English IV and eighteen years of life Josh Hill has been consistent as...well...a hill.  Not sure if there is any task this dude cannot complete or issue vast for him to conquer, but if there is, I want to test him with it.  In fact, I believe that if Josh was to challenge Horton the elephant to an egg sitting contest, Josh would not only win, but smother the hatchling to ensure he completed the job. I am sick of writing the letter ‘A’ next to his name in the gradebook...its no fun.  Go graduate and be accurate and consistent somewhere else Josh Hill, I for one am done with you!  Congrats Josh “The Hill”, English Geek of the Week.