Thursday, February 20, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Jenna Banzhaf

Once again I am astonished at the global literary achievements commenced by one of Chadron High’s own.  History/tragedy, comedy/action, zombie epic/love story (even epic zombie love stories) have become hoary relics of our past.  What’s new… Children’s Horror. I found the notion illogical, irrational, and pitiless too…until I read “Goodnight Loon” by Jenna Banzhaf (a satirical parody of “Goodnight Moon” by M.W. Brown).  The text explores the repulsions of a young girl sharing a one-room house with an elderly lunatic through a petri dish of satirical elements…mind blowing to say the least.  Hypothetical statistics show this text easily selling a cool two-million copies in North America and Europe (Asia market data being more difficult to judge).  So Jenna Banzhaf, hero of hyperbole- deity of irony- waitress of wit- sailor of sarcasm here’s to you.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Jacob Bokelman

McCarty, Bradley, and now Bokelman (I truly believe) can answer any philanthropic, philosophical, bibliophilic, phylogenic, philomathic, philotheistic or phil-freak’n-tastic question one may possess.  The vast, expansive capabilities of these three cerebral leviathans outweigh any inceptual garbage the average simian, sapien, or Sapucaia do Sulian dare regurgitate (guess which word in the last sentence is fabricated…too slow…McCarty, Bradley, and Bokelman already figured it out).  Anyway, Dr. Bokelman (bestowing the ‘Dr.’ sinecure early) notched his prestigious belt with Geek of the Week honors by utilizing concepts learned in other academias to his English class… in everyday that ends in ‘y’. Jacob Bokelman (like McCarty and Bradley) is an academic sponge, swotter of historic proportions. So here’s to you, Jacob Bokelman G.O.T.W.