Friday, September 27, 2013


Angie Scherbarth

Angie Scherbarth, author of To Answer Everyone’s Question, ‘Yes I Am Awesome’, took time away from her best selling book tour to write an explosive electronic post-based research paper.  When interviewed by the BBC about her project she stated, “Well, funny story…Prince William [Duke of Cambridge] and Kate wanted me to write a family history for their new baby, but I saw a different opportunity through Tumblr-and-well-here I am Geek of the Week!”  Well done Angie, well done!

Cooper Cogdill

Many great entities have secured the symbolic virtue of ‘Merica’s stars and stripes.  Alongside our beloved bald eagle, Cooper Cogdill’s research project (United States Government and Agricultural Control) soared straight to Washington after its September 25th release.  The paper’s innovative insight earned Cooper a spot on President Obama’s Agricultural Committee, but Cooper had to decline as he had a football game on Friday.  Congrats Cooper Cogdill, Geek of the Week! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Caston Stack

In a dark, bleak, and seemingly endless world of research Caston Stack pillarizes [yes I just made up a word] himself as a symbol of prospect and possibility.  Who aces their annotated bibliography, flawlessly tossing about citations like a twenty-five year veteran card dealer in a Las Vegas casino?  Only Caston Stack! So Caston, here’s to you Geek of the Week! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

The Doug McCallum

Flat out showing up everyday to tear “it” apart locked The Doug McCallum as Geek of the Week.  When asked by New York’s pinnacle magazines why he brings the heat every minute of every day to everything he ever does, The Doug responded “My flo, my sho, will bring me ‘da future dough to buy my fancy things: my cribs, my cars, my pools, my jewels.”  Well The Doug, whatever your rationale, congrats on being Geek of the Week.