Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)
“Oh hey, look at my brain and how big its is...and its overly efficient plasticity...and its gaping thalamus allowing me to hastily suck in total information like a black hole whose favorite cuisine is cosmic knowledge of everything” says JayDaniel’s head to me. As JayDaniel’s teacher I am stuck in a labyrinth of cognizance with a superior four pound melon screaming “Give me something to feed on!” So, I throw it some raw persuasive practice, but the unruly encephalon disintegrates the substance, disgustingly chewing with its mouth open and mocking me [envision the 1986 movie Little Shop of Horrors]. “Give me something to play with!” So, I garner some aid and surrender an offering of research and academic writing to the wonder dome...confused on how to begin at first...then tearing into the succulent flesh with the vigor of a giant Tiger mosquito in a blood bank...kinda foul really. JayDaniel Stack, super nice young man with alotta blue sky ahead of him...JayDaniel’s brain, though is one tough hombre. Congrats Jayden Stack - English Geek of the Week!