Thursday, February 26, 2015

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Alex Westerbuhr

Someone must stand up for righteousness.  A new hero must nourish and cultivate the Anglo-Saxon virtues of honor and bravery. Alex Westerbuhr, aka Future Ruler of the Free World, has been chosen.  But chosen by whom?  Probably an invisible force, the same invisible force which chose Luke Skywalker to fight the Darkside, the Last Airbender to oppose the Fire Nation, the My Little Ponies to confront Nightmare Moon and Discord, and George ‘Hook Worm’ Washington to go ham on the British. Alex Future Ruler of the Free World Westerbuhr has completed step one and two of this extraordinary and potentially apocalyptic fate: acing the Beowulf Quest and bearing a wicked-sleek nickname (notice the awesome names above). “Fate saves the living when they drive death away themselves” will be his Beowulf/Anglo-Saxon mantra as he defends humanity from the evil faction of...

Friday, February 20, 2015

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Mikaru Hirose and Courtney Hudson

It’s like we tote run the world  and stuff; I was like so super excited to hand my research thingy into Uhing like a boss.  Then oh-em-gee a Standing-O party when we get our papers back, and shake our heads at Uhing like “No Haterade today teacher boy!” My peeps kept asking me like “How’d you do it, copy or something?” And I said “No, first things first I’m a realiss, and research things are about being a realiss not like making things up and stuff.”  Then we decided to drink some herbal tea from the real Tibet and go buy scarves ‘cause scarves are like so hot and glam now.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Great Nate Dodd

I got me a Nite Champeen research hound.  Tell you what, this kid can tree a topic like you ain’t ever seen.  Ole Great Nate, I call ‘im.  He definitely don’t have tight mouth or chop, I tell you...he is a bonafide babbling pressure hound. I gotta say “Great Nate! Don’t recapitulate or gesticulate.  Just wait for them thoughts to coagulate so you can articulate not discombobulate!” Ole Great Nate, he just leave those slick tree ideas alone and move that lil hot nose on to somethin more useful.  He is git’n pretty darn good at use’n manuscript form rules to not git all tore up in certain situations.  I say “ Great Nate!  Better preformulate so you don’t miscalculate or you’ll hyperstimulate this research essay-ulate!”

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Ashley Trent
This educator is not a quitter, but I almost was. Ashley Trent’s AP Literature and Composition writings were average, stagnant, plateaued, ordinary, mediocre, and other ‘meh’ terms English teachers wish were banished to at least the fifth circle of the Netherworld.  So, I called her in and said “Say something I’m giving up on you. I’ll be the one if you want me too. Anywhere I would have tutored you. Say something I’m giving up on you. I...I’m feeling so small. Is this over your head? Are you learning nothing at all?”  Ashley began to laugh at my raw emotion, told me to chillax, and turned in an imposingly splendid timed essay that proved her English nerd-worthiness is legitimate and certifiable.