Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)
Alec Burk
Alec Burk is interviewing
cabinet members for BurkNation, a new political movement seeking rebellion of
Language Arts despotism. However, to
successfully overthrow this excessively dominant system Alec and BurkNation are
challenged with an insurmountable quest…mastering an ever-changing, tenacious beast. Boasting an average gpa less plausible than
the existence of unicorns and mermaids, Alec and BurkNation are riding the
English train (Toot! Toot!) to the end of the line. Poetic journey patterns…GET
OFF THE TRACK; didactic lessons…HOW DOES 12,000 TONS FEEL TO THE FACE. Romantic elements…THIS AIN’T NO LITTLE RED
CABOOSE “I THINK I CAN” TRAIN. Congrats Alec BurkNation, English Geek of the