Friday, April 25, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Alec Burk

Alec Burk is interviewing cabinet members for BurkNation, a new political movement seeking rebellion of Language Arts despotism.  However, to successfully overthrow this excessively dominant system Alec and BurkNation are challenged with an insurmountable quest…mastering an ever-changing, tenacious beast.  Boasting an average gpa less plausible than the existence of unicorns and mermaids, Alec and BurkNation are riding the English train (Toot! Toot!) to the end of the line. Poetic journey patterns…GET OFF THE TRACK; didactic lessons…HOW DOES 12,000 TONS FEEL TO THE FACE.  Romantic elements…THIS AIN’T NO LITTLE RED CABOOSE “I THINK I CAN” TRAIN. Congrats Alec BurkNation, English Geek of the Week!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Ashley Hills

Test architects at the State Department of Education are currently in panic mode over Ashley “Claymore” Hills.  One intercepted email coined her “an insatiable reading disease we have no modern cure for”.  An anonymous personal assistant to one test draughts-women reported Ashley being referred to as a “conceptual Godzilla capable of a Biblical assessment apocalypse” before breaking into tears, abandoning her hamsters, and moving to Rio de Janeiro. Supposedly, Ashley received her nickname “Claymore” because she reminded researchers of a human bomb…target always eliminated or really, really, really, compromised…a solid trait for someone answering questions over a text they recently inhale, but implausible obstacle for test makers working hard to fail students.  Congrats Ashley Hills, keep fighting the good fight!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Chandler Gottwald

Tough not to be a fan-fan of Chan-Chan.  He is becoming the man-man!  Assignments have been going wham-bam, and Chan-Chan’s going ham-ham on every exam-slam.  With State Tests next stop on the tram-tram, he is on a mission to cram-cram. Thus his GPA is growing by the gram-gram.  I am most proud of Chan-Chan for breaking the dam-dam on his own man-man; work ethic is out of the can-can!  Congrats Chandler “Chan-Chan” Gottwald, English Geek of the Week!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Holli Pruitt

Great news…Mattel is re-issuing the figure Polly Pocket with a new twist.  Included in the celebrated pocket sized habitat is Polly’s sister, Holli Pruitt, alias Holli Pocket.  Polly Pocket is acknowledged for being cool, confident, friendly and sustaining a variety of hobbies (waterskiing, soccer, and fashion to name a few).  The focus of Holli Pocket will be a vocal, to the point, and accomplished youthful woman.  Holli is eager to attend an Ivy League University in the fall to major in Reading and Reading Comprehension Skillz (the ‘z’ is a new major).  While Polly is horseback riding with her friends, Holli is get’n her nerd on with homies Chaucer and Shakespeare.  Congratulations, Holli ‘Pocket’ Pruitt, Geek of the Week!