A pilgrimage of analysis and synthesis to enhance knowledge and perk intellect.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tone, Diction, Syntax
Explain the importance of tone, diction, and syntax to/in your individual application (long term, daily life, etc.). Be sure to mind your tone, diction, and syntax within this posting (hehehehe).
In the real world you are surrounded by tone, syntax, and diction. It infects your life ever day. For instance when you are texting a friend they can take your tone in the text wrong and think it means something else. Are if you write a scholarship for a college and you have the wrong syntax and diction then they could not accept you into there college. So then that could affect your education later in life.
Proof reading is very important. Especially when you're trying to get a point across. If you don't double check on the words that you used, the it doesn't really have the same effect.
I think that Tone, Syntax, and Diction are an important part of everyone's life. If it wasn't for these things no one would know what people were saying or how they feel. Life would be very confusing
Try not to use personal pronouns or contractions. Although you have a terrific point, make it known that you are sure of what you are stating. Also, proofread to make sure there is solid sentence fluency and no grammar errors.
Tone, diction, and syntax are all very important in your daily life, especially if you are a person who does lots of writing or typing for their job because it is much less difficult for someone to misinturptuit what you are trying to say if you do not properly use tone, diction, and syntax. To an avid facebooker or texter this is even more important because you don't want to look bad on Facebook and you also don't want to be misinturptuited over text, because that could also cause problems.
Tone, diction, and syntax are important in daily life because in the world we live in, communication is key. With much of the communication being electronic, the way we present ourselves is through writing. An email to a potential employer could make or break a job opportunity if the wording, grammar, or tone is out of whack.
I read through most of the comments so far and I like how you worded it differently. I enjoyed how you were unique by using "communication is key" and "tone is out of whack." Good job!
Tone, diction, and syntax are very important. If you do not have these three item in your writing or life then nobody would understand you. You would sound like a robot and nobody would want to listen to you because you would be very annoying
In your everyday life diction, tone and syntax can make a huge difference in how you understand conversations, texts and everyday life. It is easy to misinterpret a text with out the proper syntax and diction. Many colleges and employers will get on the Internet and check out your profile and see if you have the proper etiquette.
Tone, diction, syntax affect our every day lives. The attitude behind a statement can change the exact meaning and tone of what is being said. When writing a paper, syntax is important as well. Proper grammar and punctuation can also change the feeling of the statement. Diction is words, and obviously we need words to speak or write. Tone, diction, and syntax are key to writing a successful paper and to correctly show feeling.
Diction, syntax, and tone are very important in today's world. They make people unique and interesting to talk or listen to. Many times people can tell if others are shy by their tone, syntax, and diction, because they are often quiet, have short statements, and put no emphasis into what they are trying to put across. There is not a lot of meaning with out these three elements of writing because there is no depth to what is being stated.
Tone, syntax, and diction are important because without them nothing would make sense. Communication would not be possible a thing. Because you would not know what to do or how to do something.These things are also needed in order to get our daily things done.
True point on not being able to have a conversation ever! That would be very sad and depressing if I never got to have a conversation with you. Be sure to read over your work before you publish. Some sentences do not work.
Tone, diction, and syntax are very important in this world for people to communicate and express themselves. Tone gives other people a way to look at you. Not only do they see how you act, but they see what you like and how you like things done. If we did not have syntax, conversations and writing would make no sense at all.
Tone, diction, and syntaz are very important to learn and or know. These three things will affect the way you portray yourself as a person and how things are interpreted by different people. In a text or email, it is easy to misinterpret what people mean if they dont use the proper elements.
I definetely agree that if a statement is written it is harder for people to interpret and some may interpret it in different ways. Try not to use the word things as it may confuse some people and specify what you are talking about.
Tone, diction, and syntax are three necessaries in life. Without tone, diction, and syntax everyday conversation would be extremely confusing and would be easy to misinterpret. It would be the same situation in texts and other media sources. Without tone, diction, and syntax the speaking and written world would be immensely confusing and improper.
Tone, Diction and Syntax are very vital to our way of life. Without these three things we would struggle with our daily conversations because things would become misinterpreted. Tone, Diction and Syntax allow us to speak our mind and be understood exactly how we wanted too, they give us a way to express our personality.
I agree with this because not only would reading things without proper tone, diction, or syntax be confusing but even having a simple conversation with someone could be difficult if you did not know how to use these tools.
Tone, diction, and syntax are the building blocks to writing. They are probably the most important tools you need to know to be a successful writer. Without the proper use of these, readers would not understand the point you were trying to make or the plot of a story that was written. They can change the whole meaning of something you are trying to say just by the arrangement of the words, or syntax, being off and the tone of your writing will be greatly affected because diction and syntax must work together to create the mood or attitude of your piece of writing.
Tone, diction and syntax are very important in our everday lives. Without tone, diction and syntax people may not be able to perceive what we are saying. Some people may even take your comments in the wrong way if you are not using the correct tone. If not using the correct diction you may come off to strong or not strong enough. Without using the proper syntax some people may be confused about your writing. Therefore using tone, diction and syntax in the correct ways will improve your writing and will help people understand each other.
Diction, syntax, and tone are what allow the world to operate on a day-to-day basis. Without diction, the world would not be able to communicate effectively. Communication is required to build upon a society, allowing it to become stronger. With proper syntax, that same society is able to understand and make sense of the words that its people are saying. The last of the trio, tone, is the product of the other two. When diction and syntax are executed effectively, tone is created. Tone is incredibly important because it is the direct result of understanding the meaning of words and the arrangements of those words. Without diction, syntax and tone, the world would not be able to function.
I believe that diction, syntax, and tone are important for everyday life and when you're on the road to learn. I believe this because if you don't know how to properly use words, arrangement of words, grammar, and mood in an everyday conversation, then I doubt that many people will still be able to look at you as an intellectual.
Tone, diction, and syntax are all vital to people in many ways. For some people it is vital in their writing, but for everyone it is vital in communication. Without diction there would be no communication, except for grunts, and there would also be no need for syntax or tone. But since there is diction, we must have syntax and tone. Syntax allows us to arrange our words in a way that not only make sense, but also gives the words a sort of meaning. Without tone, syntax and diction would be useless, because we any one sentence could be taken in any meaning or way you thought to take it. Without diction, syntax, or tone, neither of the other two would work.
Tone, diction, and syntax are necessities to our everyday lives. Tone gives us meaning to our lives; it creates worry, suspense, joy, and all feelings felt when reading or hearing something. Diction and syntax helps us grasp the tone of the piece we are reading or hearing. These two help us understand what point the author is trying to get across. Without these three essentials, life would be without emotions, and without emotions life has no reason.
Tone, diction, and syntax are some of the most important aspects of someone life. Diction is the words that people use to communicate. Communication is key in throughout someone's life. Syntax brings these words together in a specific order to make the sentence complete. Finally, the tone is what brings the sentence to life. Tone brings emotion to the statement being said and makes the listener understand what is being stated. Tone, diction, and syntax are crucial in everyone's life, simply because of communication.
To be able to have a functioning role in society, tone, diction and syntax need to be properly utilized. As people enter the professional workplace, first impressions are everything, without the proper tone, diction and syntax, both written and spoken, there is little hope for success. Tone, diction and syntax are crucial in the success or failure that one faces in today's current society. Diction is critical with the appropriate usage of words as it shows an awareness of the situation. You should not sound like a twelve year old as you apply for an internship. Syntax is important because in a world where people are used to poor grammar, it is an easy way to distinguish yourself from the masses. Finding the appropriate tone is sometimes a challenge, but once done, you can have control of nearly any situation.
Tone, diction, and syntax are very important in everyone's daily life. Without using those three things when people talk people would not be able to tell if people are happy, sad, or angry. Tone, diction, and syntax are very important when communicating with others.
Tone, diction, and syntax are very important in todays society where the main contact of people is through email, texting, tweeting, facebooking, or bloging. Without the proper use of tone, diction, and syntax the point you are trying to make does not become confusing and easily misunderstood.
Tone, diction, and syntax is very important in everyone's life. If you say the sentence with wrong syntax, ou can confuse the person you are talking to. Even when you're texting someone. You must use the right tone, diction, and syntax. Without tone you can't really get your point across. With diction you make the stories you are telling people a lot more interesting.
Tone, diction, and syntax is essential in acting. You can't properly portray your emotions to the general public without the help of these. If you use the incorrect tone you can change the meaning of the story completely. For example, if you are using the tone of being happy because of a death the audience might think you are an evil and heartless character. However in reality it is your brother and you are actually sad.
Tone, diction and syntax are vital to our lives today. They are needed for communication between one another which has become such an important part of people's lives. Without tone, diction and syntax people would be misunderstood and unable to connect. These three things make our world more vibrant and exciting and without them life as we know it would not be the same.
Diction, syntax and tone are a very important element in the social aspect of the works. Without diction, there would be no talking. Dictionary is the words you say, and if it was absent the human race would not speak to one another. Syntax is the arrangement of words, and with it you can make many meanings out of the same cluster of words. This helps you ask questions, show emotion and make statements. Diction plus syntax equal tone. Tone is the mood and attitude of your words. It is very had to find the tone in reading or writing, but when you are in person it is easier to show your tons. Without it people would never understand the meaning or feelings of your words.
Tone, diction and syntax are very important when it comes to every day life. When using all of these together you have a well written paper or status or whatever you are writing. If you use tone, diction and syntax incorrectly people won't take you seriously and will find you to be somewhat illiterate. If you can use tone, diction and syntax all together people will take you seriously and you will have better papers or whatever you are writing.
Tone, diction, and syntax are used in everyday life throughout the world. When a person is talking to me and they use a monotone voice without any thrilling words it's hard to listen to the person for a long time. People show the way they are feeling such as happy or mad by the way they use tone, diction, and syntax. Some people may take the wrong meaning of how a person is trying to make a statement come across by the way they use their tone, diction, and syntax. Once a person finds the correct words and how to state it with the right attitude there is no stopping anyone.
Diction, syntax, and tone are a vital part of today's society. With all of the communication that occurs through technology every day, these three aspects of speech are essential. Communication starts with words, or diction. Although, without syntax and tone, these words would not make any sense. The type of punctuation used in a sentence can completely change the meaning and tone trying to be portrayed. Therefore, when communicating through technology, syntax, diction, and tone are of extreme importance if you want others to know what and how you are saying something.
Tone, Diction, and Syntax are useful because they are used everyday in our society. By using them you have the ability to write a well written paper if you put them all together. If in the future you have to write a paper and you use it inappropriately you wont be very successful and people will think that you are not willing to give your all; but if you use tone, syntax, and diction people will think that you are willing to go the extra mile in the end.
In the real world you are surrounded by tone, syntax, and diction. It infects your life ever day. For instance when you are texting a friend they can take your tone in the text wrong and think it means something else. Are if you write a scholarship for a college and you have the wrong syntax and diction then they could not accept you into there college. So then that could affect your education later in life.
ReplyDeleteThis statement is true, but is poorly written.
DeleteI think you have a good point but you need to proof read before you publish.
DeleteProof reading is very important before you publish anything. Look for your spelling and grammar before putting your words out to the world.
DeleteProof reading is very important. Especially when you're trying to get a point across. If you don't double check on the words that you used, the it doesn't really have the same effect.
DeleteI think that Tone, Syntax, and Diction are an important part of everyone's life. If it wasn't for these things no one would know what people were saying or how they feel. Life would be very confusing
ReplyDeleteTry not to use personal pronouns or contractions. Although you have a terrific point, make it known that you are sure of what you are stating. Also, proofread to make sure there is solid sentence fluency and no grammar errors.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are all very important in your daily life, especially if you are a person who does lots of writing or typing for their job because it is much less difficult for someone to misinturptuit what you are trying to say if you do not properly use tone, diction, and syntax. To an avid facebooker or texter this is even more important because you don't want to look bad on Facebook and you also don't want to be misinturptuited over text, because that could also cause problems.
ReplyDeleteVery well said and very true
DeleteVery well said, Phill. However, there are somethings you need to work on. For example, your word choice, punctuation, and capitalization.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are important in daily life because in the world we live in, communication is key. With much of the communication being electronic, the way we present ourselves is through writing. An email to a potential employer could make or break a job opportunity if the wording, grammar, or tone is out of whack.
ReplyDeleteYour statement fits very well with today's modern technology.
DeleteI read through most of the comments so far and I like how you worded it differently. I enjoyed how you were unique by using "communication is key" and "tone is out of whack." Good job!
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are very important. If you do not have these three item in your writing or life then nobody would understand you. You would sound like a robot and nobody would want to listen to you because you would be very annoying
ReplyDeleteIn your everyday life diction, tone and syntax can make a huge difference in how you understand conversations, texts and everyday life. It is easy to misinterpret a text with out the proper syntax and diction. Many colleges and employers will get on the Internet and check out your profile and see if you have the proper etiquette.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% on this.
DeleteThough i agree with your statement, you didnt mention anything about tone.
DeleteTone, diction, syntax affect our every day lives. The attitude behind a statement can change the exact meaning and tone of what is being said. When writing a paper, syntax is important as well. Proper grammar and punctuation can also change the feeling of the statement. Diction is words, and obviously we need words to speak or write. Tone, diction, and syntax are key to writing a successful paper and to correctly show feeling.
ReplyDeleteI like how you explained each word and its importance. Well done.
DeleteDiction, syntax, and tone are very important in today's world. They make people unique and interesting to talk or listen to. Many times people can tell if others are shy by their tone, syntax, and diction, because they are often quiet, have short statements, and put no emphasis into what they are trying to put across. There is not a lot of meaning with out these three elements of writing because there is no depth to what is being stated.
ReplyDeleteTone, syntax, and diction are important because without them nothing would make sense. Communication would not be possible a thing. Because you would not know what to do or how to do something.These things are also needed in order to get our daily things done.
ReplyDeleteTrue point on not being able to have a conversation ever! That would be very sad and depressing if I never got to have a conversation with you. Be sure to read over your work before you publish. Some sentences do not work.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are very important in this world for people to communicate and express themselves. Tone gives other people a way to look at you. Not only do they see how you act, but they see what you like and how you like things done. If we did not have syntax, conversations and writing would make no sense at all.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction, and syntaz are very important to learn and or know. These three things will affect the way you portray yourself as a person and how things are interpreted by different people. In a text or email, it is easy to misinterpret what people mean if they dont use the proper elements.
ReplyDeleteI definetely agree that if a statement is written it is harder for people to interpret and some may interpret it in different ways. Try not to use the word things as it may confuse some people and specify what you are talking about.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are three necessaries in life. Without tone, diction, and syntax everyday conversation would be extremely confusing and would be easy to misinterpret. It would be the same situation in texts and other media sources. Without tone, diction, and syntax the speaking and written world would be immensely confusing and improper.
ReplyDeleteThis is Alex's
DeleteI agree with this one hundred percent. Conversations would not be the same with out tone, diction, and syntax.
DeleteTone, Diction and Syntax are very vital to our way of life. Without these three things we would struggle with our daily conversations because things would become misinterpreted. Tone, Diction and Syntax allow us to speak our mind and be understood exactly how we wanted too, they give us a way to express our personality.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this because not only would reading things without proper tone, diction, or syntax be confusing but even having a simple conversation with someone could be difficult if you did not know how to use these tools.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are the building blocks to writing. They are probably the most important tools you need to know to be a successful writer. Without the proper use of these, readers would not understand the point you were trying to make or the plot of a story that was written. They can change the whole meaning of something you are trying to say just by the arrangement of the words, or syntax, being off and the tone of your writing will be greatly affected because diction and syntax must work together to create the mood or attitude of your piece of writing.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction and syntax are very important in our everday lives. Without tone, diction and syntax people may not be able to perceive what we are saying. Some people may even take your comments in the wrong way if you are not using the correct tone. If not using the correct diction you may come off to strong or not strong enough. Without using the proper syntax some people may be confused about your writing. Therefore using tone, diction and syntax in the correct ways will improve your writing and will help people understand each other.
ReplyDeleteI like your example of coming off strong or not strong enough. Also, good job on tying tone, diction and syntax to both academics and life.
DeleteDiction, syntax, and tone are what allow the world to operate on a day-to-day basis. Without diction, the world would not be able to communicate effectively. Communication is required to build upon a society, allowing it to become stronger. With proper syntax, that same society is able to understand and make sense of the words that its people are saying. The last of the trio, tone, is the product of the other two. When diction and syntax are executed effectively, tone is created. Tone is incredibly important because it is the direct result of understanding the meaning of words and the arrangements of those words. Without diction, syntax and tone, the world would not be able to function.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis is so right. This paragraph just blew my mind.
DeleteI believe that diction, syntax, and tone are important for everyday life and when you're on the road to learn. I believe this because if you don't know how to properly use words, arrangement of words, grammar, and mood in an everyday conversation, then I doubt that many people will still be able to look at you as an intellectual.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction, and syntax are all vital to people in many ways. For some people it is vital in their writing, but for everyone it is vital in communication. Without diction there would be no communication, except for grunts, and there would also be no need for syntax or tone. But since there is diction, we must have syntax and tone. Syntax allows us to arrange our words in a way that not only make sense, but also gives the words a sort of meaning. Without tone, syntax and diction would be useless, because we any one sentence could be taken in any meaning or way you thought to take it. Without diction, syntax, or tone, neither of the other two would work.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction, and syntax are necessities to our everyday lives. Tone gives us meaning to our lives; it creates worry, suspense, joy, and all feelings felt when reading or hearing something. Diction and syntax helps us grasp the tone of the piece we are reading or hearing. These two help us understand what point the author is trying to get across. Without these three essentials, life would be without emotions, and without emotions life has no reason.
ReplyDeleteReally good and sort of meaningful. Well done
DeleteI like how you used a certain tone to get your point a crossed, it makes it feel more personal.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are some of the most important aspects of someone life. Diction is the words that people use to communicate. Communication is key in throughout someone's life. Syntax brings these words together in a specific order to make the sentence complete. Finally, the tone is what brings the sentence to life. Tone brings emotion to the statement being said and makes the listener understand what is being stated. Tone, diction, and syntax are crucial in everyone's life, simply because of communication.
ReplyDeleteVery good meanings in what they are and well said.
DeleteTo be able to have a functioning role in society, tone, diction and syntax need to be properly utilized. As people enter the professional workplace, first impressions are everything, without the proper tone, diction and syntax, both written and spoken, there is little hope for success. Tone, diction and syntax are crucial in the success or failure that one faces in today's current society. Diction is critical with the appropriate usage of words as it shows an awareness of the situation. You should not sound like a twelve year old as you apply for an internship. Syntax is important because in a world where people are used to poor grammar, it is an easy way to distinguish yourself from the masses. Finding the appropriate tone is sometimes a challenge, but once done, you can have control of nearly any situation.
ReplyDeleteThe relation between the ability to communicate and success in the workplace is definitely true.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax are very important in everyone's daily life. Without using those three things when people talk people would not be able to tell if people are happy, sad, or angry. Tone, diction, and syntax are very important when communicating with others.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction, and syntax are very important in todays society where the main contact of people is through email, texting, tweeting, facebooking, or bloging. Without the proper use of tone, diction, and syntax the point you are trying to make does not become confusing and easily misunderstood.
ReplyDeleteThis is true and most people today can relate!
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax is very important in everyone's life. If you say the sentence with wrong syntax, ou can confuse the person you are talking to. Even when you're texting someone. You must use the right tone, diction, and syntax. Without tone you can't really get your point across. With diction you make the stories you are telling people a lot more interesting.
ReplyDeleteGreat work TD! I totally agree that tone is needed to get your point across.
DeleteTone, diction, and syntax is essential in acting. You can't properly portray your emotions to the general public without the help of these. If you use the incorrect tone you can change the meaning of the story completely. For example, if you are using the tone of being happy because of a death the audience might think you are an evil and heartless character. However in reality it is your brother and you are actually sad.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction and syntax are vital to our lives today. They are needed for communication between one another which has become such an important part of people's lives. Without tone, diction and syntax people would be misunderstood and unable to connect. These three things make our world more vibrant and exciting and without them life as we know it would not be the same.
ReplyDeleteDiction, syntax and tone are a very important element in the social aspect of the works. Without diction, there would be no talking. Dictionary is the words you say, and if it was absent the human race would not speak to one another. Syntax is the arrangement of words, and with it you can make many meanings out of the same cluster of words. This helps you ask questions, show emotion and make statements. Diction plus syntax equal tone. Tone is the mood and attitude of your words. It is very had to find the tone in reading or writing, but when you are in person it is easier to show your tons. Without it people would never understand the meaning or feelings of your words.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you explained the three elements and the examples you gave.
DeleteTone, diction and syntax are very important when it comes to every day life. When using all of these together you have a well written paper or status or whatever you are writing. If you use tone, diction and syntax incorrectly people won't take you seriously and will find you to be somewhat illiterate. If you can use tone, diction and syntax all together people will take you seriously and you will have better papers or whatever you are writing.
ReplyDeleteTone, diction, and syntax are used in everyday life throughout the world. When a person is talking to me and they use a monotone voice without any thrilling words it's hard to listen to the person for a long time. People show the way they are feeling such as happy or mad by the way they use tone, diction, and syntax. Some people may take the wrong meaning of how a person is trying to make a statement come across by the way they use their tone, diction, and syntax. Once a person finds the correct words and how to state it with the right attitude there is no stopping anyone.
ReplyDeleteDiction, syntax, and tone are a vital part of today's society. With all of the communication that occurs through technology every day, these three aspects of speech are essential. Communication starts with words, or diction. Although, without syntax and tone, these words would not make any sense. The type of punctuation used in a sentence can completely change the meaning and tone trying to be portrayed. Therefore, when communicating through technology, syntax, diction, and tone are of extreme importance if you want others to know what and how you are saying something.
ReplyDeleteTone, Diction, and Syntax are useful because they are used everyday in our society. By using them you have the ability to write a well written paper if you put them all together. If in the future you have to write a paper and you use it inappropriately you wont be very successful and people will think that you are not willing to give your all; but if you use tone, syntax, and diction people will think that you are willing to go the extra mile in the end.