Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor!)

Kane Wellnitz

Battered, assailed, pulverized, minced, trashed, throttled - Kane has encountered every verb and adjective connotative to a challenging, strenuous course load in Advanced Placement Literature and Composition yet rose from the ashes of battle dripping in enemy blood (looking like Hugh Glass [Leonardo Dicaprio] in The Revenant, but still victorious). By week uno in month Mayo I was proudly exclaiming ‘WELLNITZ’ instead of ‘well, nitz’ as Master Kane was posting a respectable average on poetry, prose, free response essays and a salty average on multiple choice tests. Osmosis, magic, trial-’n-error, or fortitude I know not, but Kane (adapting a quote by Red from The Shawshank Redemption) ‘crawled through thirty-six weeks of the foulest stinking literary river I cannot imagine and came out clean on the other side’. Congrats Kane Wellnitz, Geek of the Week.