Friday, August 30, 2013

Geek of the Week
(An unconventionally sweet and awesome honor.)   

Telli-Belli Morford

Telli-Belli Morford traveled from textual zero to literary hero with her Senior Skill’s outline and essay.  This wonder of words has, in a matter of three days, turned down multiple lucrative offers to publish her English IV best-selling paper.  Look out folks, ‘this girl is on fire’!

Friday, August 23, 2013

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Mr. Uhing's Geek of the Week     


Cali (fornia) Crile

Cali attacked the Step-Up to Writing Thesis Statements like a great white shark on shark week (rarrr).  The eloquence of her statements textually and verbally was the envy of every author at the 2013 Western Nebraska Thesis Statement Convention, where she won the award “Queen Thesis”.  Congrats Cali!